Agriculture Case Studies
Phase 1 – Aquavet Clinical Evaluation Gyrodactylus Spp
Evaluation Prepared By
Dr. Ra'anan Ariav – AquaVet Technologies Ltd.
Installed Unit
HydroFLOW hs40.
This clinical evaluation has monitored the effect of the HydroFLOW water disinfection system on Gyrodactylus spp.
As such, we evaluated the following parameters:
- Gram () Bacterial pathogens of fish.
Total Bacterial counts in water.
- Morbidity rate.
- Mortality rate.
- Four (4) Lg. Tanks (10 cubic Meters each) were re-circulated for a period of 90 Days in the Aquavet Wet-Lab facility.
- Tank 2 and 3 (DISEASE RESEVOIRS) – were stocked with 300 Hybrid Tilapia (each) characterized by heavy of Bacterial, Fungal and Parasitic Infection.
- Tank 1 (positive control) and tank 4 (negative control) – were stock with 300 Hybrid Tilapia (each), free of infectious disease. These tank were also treated with 2 consecutive treatments of Formalin (FormaldagG) and Naied 150 (Bromex®) at the recommended doses in order to eliminate any presence of Parasitic pathogens prior to the beginning of recirculation and were treated with medicated feed.
- The HydroFLOW unit was installed on tank 4 water feed, which was the comrtol tank. Tank 4 was also feeding water to tank 3 (disease reservoir)
- The overall survival rate in tank 4 (HydroFLOW treated in coming water) was considerably higher (74%) when compared to the survival rate in tanks 1, 2 and 3 (60%,48% and 42%).
- The tilapia population in tank 4 (HydroFLOW Treated incoming water) exhibited increased survival rate and improved health as expressed by a lower level of bacterial, parasitic and mycotic infection.
- During the majority of the observation period, we recognized a clear effect on prevention of disease transmission parasitic, mycotic, bacterial pathogens of fish).
For the full evaluation report please click on the PDF.