Coliforms in Well Water

HydroFLOW West Inc.
Homeowners in Kenai Alaska.
Residential Well.
Installed Unit
HydroFLOW s38 unit.
This area on the Kenai Peninsula, rural Alaska, has well water contamination due to area flooding. Prior to the installation of a HydroFLOW water conditioner on the incoming well pipe, a water sample was taken at the kitchen faucet. The lab test results stated the water was Yellow and positive for Total Coliform – Unsatisfactory.
Six months after the installation of the HydroFLOW s38 unit, the homeowners took a water sample from the kitchen faucet to be tested in a lab. The lab test results stated the water was clear and negative for Total Coliform – Satisfactory.
Customer comment: “We had the water tested and it came back clear. Yippee!”
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