Water Quality in Las Cruces, New Mexico

Source of Water

The primary source of drinking water for Las Cruces is groundwater from the Mesilla and Jornada Bolsons. The city operates 28 active wells that draw water from depths of 300 to 1,000 feet below the ground surface1.

Water Quality Overview

Las Cruces Utilities (LCU) provides an annual Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) to inform residents about the quality of their drinking water. The 2021 report indicates that the water meets all regulatory standards set by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) and has no water quality violations1.


The water is tested for various contaminants, including microbial, inorganic, organic, and radioactive substances. The report shows that the levels of these contaminants are within the permissible limits set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)1.

Water Hardness

Water hardness in Las Cruces is considered moderate due to the presence of naturally occurring minerals like calcium, manganese, and iron. These minerals dissolve into the water from the deep groundwater sources, which is typical for groundwater in the Southwest1. The hardness can affect the aesthetic quality of the water, slightly altering its color and taste.

Effects of Hard Water

  • On Appliances: Mineral deposits can build up in pipes and appliances, reducing their efficiency and lifespan.
  • On Skin and Hair: Hard water can cause dryness and irritation, making it difficult to lather soap and shampoo.
  • On Cleaning: It can leave spots on dishes and glassware and make cleaning more challenging.

Solutions for water hardness in Las Cruces New Mexico

  • Water Softeners: Installing a water softener can help reduce the hardness of the water. This is not the best option because water softeners exchange salt for hardness, adding an unhealthy amount of salt to your drinking water. Which is corrosive and bad for the environment. Its usage is also being banned in many municipalities.
  • HydroFLOW: this is the best option for treating hard water. It lets you keep the healthy calcium in your water but renders it harmless by not allowing it to adhere to your plumbing and fixture surfaces. Learn more about the benefits of HydroFLOW.

Special Precautions

Certain populations, such as immuno-compromised individuals, infants, and the elderly, may be more vulnerable to contaminants in drinking water. These individuals are advised to seek guidance from healthcare providers regarding their drinking water1.

Source Water Assessment

The New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) conducts a Source Water Assessment (SWA) to provide baseline data about the quality of water before it is treated and distributed. This assessment helps identify potential sources of contamination and the susceptibility of the water system1.


The water quality in Las Cruces is generally safe and meets all regulatory standards. The moderate hardness is typical for the region and does not pose any significant health risks. However, certain vulnerable populations should take extra precautions.