Groundwater Temperature Map

How to use the interactive groundwater temperature map

1. Click on a State to zoom-in.

2. Click on a City to open a pop-up box detailing its average groundwater temperature.

3. Click on an area without a City to open a pop-up box detailing the average State groundwater temperature.

4. Click the arrow that is located at the top left corner of the map to zoom-out.

Created with Raphaël 2.1.0
Created with Raphaël 2.1.0


State Capital State Capital

City City

What is the Temperature of the Groundwater Where you Live?

Please use our interactive map to locate the groundwater temperatures where you live. You can simply input your zip code in the search box and it will automatically show you the closest groundwater temperature we have for your location. You can also find the groundwater temperature by selecting your state in the list below.

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