Water Treatment for ESCO

Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) play an important role in providing cost saving solutions that help organizations reduce energy, water and operational expenses. A PDF document of DOE qualified ESCOs can be found here. ESCOs take-on the responsibility of achieving the desired budgetary reduction objectives by acting as project designers and facilitators. HydroFLOW equipment plays an important role in allowing ESCOs to provide their customers with the desired savings.
Benefits include:
  • Improved heat transfer efficiency by reducing mineral and biological fouling.
  • Decreased water usage by allowing cooling tower systems to operate at higher conductivity.
  • Allows chemicals to be minimized by enhancing their effectiveness.
  • Assists with optimizing operational and maintenance procedures.
  • Increases service life of equipment by reducing wear and tear.

To learn more please contact us or continue reading this article.

Sample Case Studies

Fortune 100 Headquarters – LEED Gold Building in Houston, Texas

The facilities manager identified the need to improve water conservation in the cooling system to reduce cost, save energy and minimize chemical usage.

Key Success Factors:

  • Reduction of scale and biofouling accumulation in the cooling towers and chillers.
  • At least 50% conservation of blow-down water.
  • Chemical reduction and optimization.
  • Increased lifecycle of equipment, fill material and piping.
  • Reduction in energy and maintenance costs.

cooling tower


  • 85% blow-down water reduction, which greatly exceeded the 50% goal.
  • 75% chemical reduction.
  • 50% reduction in maintenance frequency.
  • 10% reduction in energy consumption by the cooling towers and chillers.

Chemical Plant in Washington

Chemical Plant

Due to excessive scale accumulation, the plant's diesel steam boilers were on the verge of being decommissioned for a week in order to be acid cleaned; a process that typically costs over $15,000. In addition, there was a strong possibility the steam boilers required replacement ($350,000 each). The head of maintenance decided to evaluate HydroFLOW’s ability to clean the steam boilers and possibly avoid acid cleaning.

Boiler with scale problems


  • Within a few days, soft chunks of grayish/reddish scale and “putty” began washing out via blow-down.
  • The water softener was bypassed less than a month after installation, which led to an acceleration in the removal of scale from the system.
  • Within 2.5 months, the stack temperature of each steam boiler reduced from approximately 650 to 400 degrees F, indicating increased efficiency.
  • Within 2.5 months, fuel consumption went down from 400 to 275 gallons per day; which translates to roughly $150,000 savings annually.
  • Due to the great results, the customer decided to delay the replacement of the steam boilers ($350,000 each).
To find out more please visit our industrial and commercial case study pages or simply contact us.