New Mexico Groundwater Temperatures
Average Groundwater Temperatures for the Cities in New Mexico
Temperature is important to consider when dealing with hard water because calcium
dissolves more easily in cold water. Most substances that dissolve in water, such as sugar, do not
behave in this manner. It is common knowledge that you can dissolve more sugar in hot water
than cold. Calcium has the opposite effect: the hotter the water, the less calcium it can dissolve.
If your water source is deep in the earth (higher pressure also contributes to increased calcium
solubility) and the groundwater is very cold, you can almost certainly expect hard water.
Groundwater is so hard in some areas that water utilities must blend it with surface water to
reduce the hardness. If you would like more information on the hard water levels in your area please
see our hard water map.
Another important reason to know your average groundwater temperatures is if you are trying
to determine which tankless water heater to purchase. The reason for this is because in
colder climates the groundwater starting temperature is colder than in warmer climates. This
causes the tankless water heater to work harder to increase the water temperature in colder
climates, which in turn causes the flow rate to decrease in parallel. For example, if the
starting water temperature is 52°F and you need to raise the water temperature to 110°F. Then
your tankless water heater must be able to raise the temperature of the water by 58°F while still
providing adequate flow to support the fixtures you wish to run at the same time.
How Flow Rates are Affected by Temperature
In the example below, you can see the impact that temperature has on flow rates. This example is
based on a tankless water heater that has a flow rate rated for 8 GPM.
Temperature Zone | Efficiency |
+71 °F |
100% (8 GPM) |
61 – 70 °F |
73% (5.8 GPM) |
51 – 60 °F |
58% (4.6 GPM) |
41 – 50 °F |
48% (3.8 GPM) |
< 40 °F |
41% (3.2 GPM) |

Based on the corresponding flow rates for each appliance that are listed. A tankless water
heater that is rated with a flow rate of 8 GPM (gallons per minute) is capable of
running these items at the same time in regions with an average groundwater
temperature of 72°F.
Shower = 3 GPM
Kitchen Sink = 1.5 GPM
Washing Machine = 2.5 GPM
Total = 7 GPM
If you take this same exact tankless water heater and install it in a region that has an average
groundwater temperature of 52°F (green zone). This will lower that tankless
water heater’s max GPM output to 4.64 GPM.
Shower = 3 GPM
Kitchen Sink = 1.5 GPM
Total = 4.5 GPM
As you can see before purchasing a tankless water heater it’s important to know the impact
temperature has on its ability to heat water and its effect on the total GPM needs of your
New Mexico Groundwater Temperature Yearly Average
City and Zip Codes |
Groundwater Temperatures |
Alamoarodo 88310 | 88311 |
52°F |
Albuquerque 87102 | 87104 | 87105 | 87106 | 87107 | 87108 | 87109 | |
56°F |
Anthony 88021 |
54°F |
Artesia 88210 |
56°F |
Aztec 87410 |
56°F |
Belen 87002 |
54°F |
Bernalillo 87004 |
54°F |
Bloomfield 87413 |
52°F |
Carlsbad 88220 |
52°F |
Chaparral 88081 |
52°F |
Clovis 88101 |
55°F |
Deming 88030 |
52°F |
Edgewood 87015 |
57°F |
Espanola 87532 | 87533 |
52°F |
Farmington 87401 | 87402 | 87499 |
52°F |
Gallup 87301 | 87305 |
54°F |
Grants 87020 |
53°F |
Hobbs 88240 | 88242 |
52°F |
88001 | 88003 | 88004 | 88005 | 88007 | 88011 | 88012 |
62°F |
Los Almos 87544 |
58°F |
Los Lunas 87301 |
56°F |
Lovington 88260 |
54°F |
Portales 88130 |
56°F |
Rio Rancho 87124 | 87144 |
54°F |
Roswell 88201 | 88203 |
63°F |
Santa 87501 | 87505 | 87507 | 87508 |
51°F |
Shiprock 87420 |
54°F |
Silver City 88061 |
56°F |
Sunland Park 88063 |
55°F |
Taos 87571 | 87525 |
54°F |
What Tankless Water Heater should You buy if you live in New Mexico?
Since New Mexico’s average groundwater temperature
range is between 51°F and 64°F. It is recommended that you select a green zone or orange
zone Tankless Water Heater. To see the recommended Tankless Water Heaters that apply to the orange
and green zone temperatures please follow the link that corresponds to the region of your average
groundwater temperature.
Temperature zone | Recommended Tankless Water Heater |
< 40 °F | Tankless Water Heater Recommendations |
41 – 50 °F | Tankless Water Heater Recommendations |
51 – 60 °F | Tankless Water Heater Recommendations |
61 – 70 °F | Tankless Water Heater Recommendations |
+71 °F | Tankless Water Heater Recommendations |